Large-Format Presentation Boxes
We love collaborating with photographers, like Zana Briski (box pictured with laser-etched name), Vincent Versace and Laurent Badessi, on special custom large-format aluminum Presentation Boxes to house large print work. We've also created large-format Presentation Boxes for institutions like the Andy Warhol Museum. Why are these photographers and institutions choosing aluminum for their boxes? First, it’s because they obviously look amazing. Second, anodized aluminum is the ultimate archival storage material because it is pH neutral, doesn’t off-gas, and won’t absorb moisture. We don’t recommend these boxes for pure archiving use (why would you want to hide them in a dark place?), but for an absolutely knock-your-socks off impressive presentation that also happens to be safe for valuable art, these are the way to go.
Producing aluminum boxes in custom formats takes some time, but if you're in a hurry we keep in stock a large inventory of the most popular formats, from 5x7x1 all the way up to 17x22x1 for immediate shipping.