
Using Your Portfolio

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When you’ve completed your portfolio and are ready to show it to potential clients, do one last thing: Show it to as many friends and family members as you can. You may think the book is perfect, but inevitably other more objective eyes will find problems that you can correct before they can do damage to your career.

Once you start showing your portfolio to potential clients, you’re going to have access to extremely valuable feedback. If you get hired, they obviously liked your work. If you don’t get hired, ask the potential client what advice they might give you about your work, your portfolio, your interviewing style, and anything else that they care to offer. A business that doesn’t have some kind of suggestion box is missing out on the simplest, cheapest, most effective source of helpful business intelligence. In your business as a creative professional, don’t miss this opportunity to collect valuable information that you can use to improve your results at future interviews.

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